Book clubs in Hertfordshire

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Hertfordshire

All listings in Hertfordshire

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Added 3 days ago

Sarah S (Welwyn Garden City)

Looking to make new friends and to explore books that are not always my cup of tea! I love to read and explore new genres and authors, the discussion of a book is great as everyone always has a different opinion that promotes good discussion.

Sarah S recommends:

Property  by Valerie Martin
by Valerie Martin | Buy this book
It's a really well written
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Added 4 days ago

Ella A (Kings Langley)

17 wanting to study English lit at uni! Open to basically any genre but rn I'm loving the classics + non-fiction

Ella A recommends:

Oranges are not the only fruit by Jeanette Winterson
Oranges are not the only fruit
by Jeanette Winterson | Buy this book
Fascinating structure as it interweaves different tones, styles, times and mini narratives beautifully. Really interesting perspective on evangelical type Christians and how that can impact a queer girl growing up in that environment (it's semi-autobiographical!) <3
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Added 6 days ago

Martha_peanuts (Welwyn Garden City)

Hello, I have just moved into the area and looking to join a book group to meet more people.

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Added 6 days ago

Arabella (Radlett)

I have always enjoyed reading, enjoy sharing my opinion and listening to other perspectives. I would like to meet like- minded people living locally and happy to take turns to host.

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Added 10 days ago

Trevor (Watford)

Watford book club

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Added 14 days ago

Aimee (St Albans)

Looking to join a local book club, to encourage me to read more!

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Added 16 days ago

May (Potters Bar)

Want to develop a love for reading, meeting & socialising.

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Added 22 days ago

Donella (Welwyn Garden City)

Hello I'm Donella. I am married with 2 grown-up sons. I enjoy reading.

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Added 22 days ago

AshRose (Rickmansworth)

Hi, I’m Ashley, F, I love reading in my free time and I’m looking for readers like me to talk books or be part of a book club. I do a bit of writing as well (on online forums etc), but I am not published yet. I’m happy to meet virtually or in person anywhere around Hertfordshire on a regular basis. We can make it a fun day! The genres I love are; fantasy, dark romance, thriller, crime, horror, sci-fi, LGBT, classic.

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Added 23 days ago

NatDK (Hemel Hempstead)

F27. I enjoy most genres from fantasy to romance and classics

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NewbieK (Waltham Cross)

I need to start reading and would love to join a club.

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Caroline (Watford)

Looking for good book recommendations and book discussions. Am 56 and live in Watford.

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Lydia J (Hemel Hempstead)

28F. Looking for a book club in St Albans/Hemel/King's Langley area to meet new people and discover some great new reads. Ideally meeting up locally every 6 weeks or so. Love historical fiction, thrillers, fantasy - open to pretty much all genres though!

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Turn the page (Hertford)

I have recently moved to Hertford and would like to join club's to meet people. I enjoy reading all kind of books.

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Shannon (Hemel Hempstead)

Hi, I'm 28F, I like my horror and Dark romance. I'm an introvert but would like to be able to make friends

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Just me (Potters Bar)

I'll try pretty much any book, although not hugely keen on serious non fiction.

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Concy (Watford)

Hello! I have always loved reading particularly fantasy books. I remember when a book was keeping me awake as I could not stop reading it or how at times the words were creating images in my Mind almost like I was actually watching a movie. Life, work and being an adult has taken a priority in the last couple of years and I would like to enjoy again reading while also meeting people in my area since I have recently moved in Watford.

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Mark (Bishop's Stortford)

I love reading sci-fi, dystopia and non-fiction science - amongst others. Would like to discuss books and share book recommendations.

Mark recommends:

1984 by George Orwell
by George Orwell | Buy this book
Orwell is a master at creating this dystopian world that slowly draws you in and doesn't let you escape. For those that haven't read it you'll be surprised with how many ideas and phrases from the book people still in use today - a must read for all
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Ben (Watford)

Reading is something that has taken a back seat in my life, in recent years. I’d love to get back in the habit of reading and seeking out new books. I’ve not been in a book group before but would love to start/ join one!

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Cameron (Hertford)

Hiya, I’m new to the area and looking for other people that share my passion of reading. I’m into dark Russian literature (Dostoevsky is the GOAT) and nihilistic first person books such as American pyscho and less than zero. Hit me up if you need a new member to join your group.

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