Book clubs in Hertfordshire

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Hertfordshire

All listings in Hertfordshire

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Added 2 days ago

NewbieK (Waltham Cross)

I need to start reading and would love to join a club.

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Added 4 days ago

Caroline (Watford)

Looking for good book recommendations and book discussions. Am 56 and live in Watford.

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Added 13 days ago

Lydia J (Hemel Hempstead)

28F. Looking for a book club in St Albans/Hemel/King's Langley area to meet new people and discover some great new reads. Ideally meeting up locally every 6 weeks or so. Love historical fiction, thrillers, fantasy - open to pretty much all genres though!

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Added 14 days ago

Turn the page (Hertford)

I have recently moved to Hertford and would like to join club's to meet people. I enjoy reading all kind of books.

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Added 23 days ago

Shannon (Hemel Hempstead)

Hi, I'm 28F, I like my horror and Dark romance. I'm an introvert but would like to be able to make friends

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Added 27 days ago

Just me (Potters Bar)

I'll try pretty much any book, although not hugely keen on serious non fiction.

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Added 28 days ago

Concy (Watford)

Hello! I have always loved reading particularly fantasy books. I remember when a book was keeping me awake as I could not stop reading it or how at times the words were creating images in my Mind almost like I was actually watching a movie. Life, work and being an adult has taken a priority in the last couple of years and I would like to enjoy again reading while also meeting people in my area since I have recently moved in Watford.

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Added 29 days ago

Mark (Bishop's Stortford)

I love reading sci-fi, dystopia and non-fiction science - amongst others. Would like to discuss books and share book recommendations.

Mark recommends:

1984 by George Orwell
by George Orwell | Buy this book
Orwell is a master at creating this dystopian world that slowly draws you in and doesn't let you escape. For those that haven't read it you'll be surprised with how many ideas and phrases from the book people still in use today - a must read for all
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Ben (Watford)

Reading is something that has taken a back seat in my life, in recent years. I’d love to get back in the habit of reading and seeking out new books. I’ve not been in a book group before but would love to start/ join one!

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Cameron (Hertford)

Hiya, I’m new to the area and looking for other people that share my passion of reading. I’m into dark Russian literature (Dostoevsky is the GOAT) and nihilistic first person books such as American pyscho and less than zero. Hit me up if you need a new member to join your group.

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Jaci (Northwood) (Watford)

I am in my 60s and enjoy reading. I would like to join a book club to meet new people, to read and discuss the books and be challenged and inspired by different genres

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Maria (Ware)

I’m a 58yr old female who would love to join a book club to discuss books with other people. I’m trying to find a book club in either Ware or Hertford.

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Genki (Watford)

I love reading books and also love meeting new people, so meeting the two makes sense!

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Fiona (Royston)

I’m an avid reader of all types of genre, from chic lit through to the classics. I’ve recently moved to the area.

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miles (St Albans)

i like books

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Chloe (Kings Langley)

30ish year old book lover looking to join a local book club and meet some new friends as I’m new to the area.

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tf-ted (Hemel Hempstead)

(29M) Over the last year have really got into reading and have no friends to chat to them about! I'm pretty open to all genres but have had a hard time in the past with fantasy. I mostly read classics, romance, and contemporary fiction. But can always be persuaded.

tf-ted recommends:

Cleopatra & Frankenstein by Coco Mellors
Cleopatra & Frankenstein
by Coco Mellors | Buy this book
While some of the characters stories can feel incomplete, or forgotten, the story of Cleo & Frank's relationship is one that has sat with me for quite some time. There are many beautiful moments I think about often, and a fun mixture of people squashed into this story!
The Secret History by Donna Tartt
The Secret History
by Donna Tartt | Buy this book
In the midst of reading this, I kind of hated it but also in awe of it. But looking back, there is so much of this story that sits on my mind and I NEED to talk to someone about this novel!
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Tom (Waltham Cross)

24, Avid reader of all sorts looking for recommendations and a friendly regular bunch to discuss if possible

Tom recommends:

The Will of the Many by James Islington
The Will of the Many
by James Islington | Buy this book
Last book I read so fresh in the mind, a fantasy roman adjacent setting that got me out of a reading slump
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Kip (Radlett)

Love novels but am often disappointed, but think I may sometimes not appreciate their deeper meaning. Keen to discuss and learn from others to pick up things I might have missed.

Kip recommends:

The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje
The English Patient
by Michael Ondaatje | Buy this book
It describes in lyrical detail both the awfulness, but also the brilliance and liberation, of the sense of alienation
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Kate (Bishop's Stortford)

I am 61, female and would like to join a book club annd meet some new friends.

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