Book clubs in Kings Langley

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Kings Langley

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Added 4 days ago

Ella A

17 wanting to study English lit at uni! Open to basically any genre but rn I'm loving the classics + non-fiction

Ella A recommends:

Oranges are not the only fruit by Jeanette Winterson
Oranges are not the only fruit
by Jeanette Winterson | Buy this book
Fascinating structure as it interweaves different tones, styles, times and mini narratives beautifully. Really interesting perspective on evangelical type Christians and how that can impact a queer girl growing up in that environment (it's semi-autobiographical!) <3
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30ish year old book lover looking to join a local book club and meet some new friends as I’m new to the area.

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A 50 ish female who has always loved reading and has a bit more time now my kids have left home. Would love to get to know some more people in my local area and widen my reading genre with some great recommendations

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I have a wide variety of interests and like trying new things. Just turned fifty a few months ago but still feel like a boy inside. I love to travel, but with family, work and concerns for the environment, I have been travelling less and less over the years...but a book can take you anywhere and everywhere.

Joe recommends:

The Bell by Iris Murdoch
The Bell
by Iris Murdoch | Buy this book
I actually meant to pick up the Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, but confused the purchase. I found the Bell absorbing and tense. Challenging relationships where there are various levels of abusive power dynamics. Mental health, religious orthodoxy and sex combine to make it heady and disturbing reading.
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I like reading all sorts. Often stick to the classics unless I get a good recommendation. Some favourite contemporary authors would include, Marlon James, Johnathan Franzen and Barbara would be nice to find some local people to chat about them over a beer, wine or cup of tea...

Joe recommends:

The Bell by Iris Murdoch
The Bell
by Iris Murdoch | Buy this book
I actually meant to pick up the Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, but confused the purchase. I found the Bell absorbing and tense. Challenging relationships where there are various levels of abusive power dynamics. Mental health, religious orthodoxy and sex combine to make it heady and disturbing reading.
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A friendly group of people who are up for a light hearted chat about books maybe over wine.

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Looking for a friendly group which meets evenings or weekends. I love reading and will try most books...literary, romance, historical, crime.

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I love reading thrillers, horror, dystopian fantasy and others.. Looking for bookish friends and book club with online chats and meet ups would be great

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Thriller, mystery, crime

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