Book clubs in Broadstairs

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Added 22 days ago


Hi! I mainly enjoy reading non-fiction books related to psychology and biology, and I’d like to meet once a week to discuss the books. Through this, I want to share opinions with different people :)

Jungwon recommends:

Why Fish Don't Exist: A Story of Loss, Love and the Hidden Order of Life
by Lulu Miler | Buy this book
This book not only has a beautifully crafted prose, but it also opens up a new perspective on the field of taxonomy. Can we truly define a fish as a “fish”? Are the creatures we categorize as fish actually close enough to be considered the same group? If you’re curious about these questions, you must read this book.
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I really enjoyed Normal People by Sally Rooney and would want to read books similar to that about love. I would like to meet people who like similar books to me so I can get recommendations. I'm in my early twenties and with my new job find my spare time very empty so would like to fill it with more reading.

Luke recommends:

Normal People by Sally Rooney
Normal People
by Sally Rooney | Buy this book
It connected with me as I long for love in my own life. It explores the highs and lows of young love, and shows how opposites can sometimes not be so opposite. It is so well written and is really difficult to put down once started.
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Gail Benjamin

Recovering and needing the help of God and the universe

Gail Benjamin recommends:

The celestine prophecy by James Redfield
The celestine prophecy
by James Redfield | Buy this book
It has great wisdom in it and is helping me to understand the world
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I have been an avid reader in the past but have somehow forgotten how to get the pleasure from reading. I would like to meet some people who could help reestablish my love of reading

Gail recommends:

The celestine prophecy by James Redfield
The celestine prophecy
by James Redfield | Buy this book
It has great wisdom in it and is helping me to understand the world
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I have been an avid reader from childhood onwards. I read for pleasure and information but I am rarely without a book to indulge myself in. I am retired from nursing for 6 years now and would really like to make new friends through a shared interest, to talk about books and socialise face to face.

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