Book clubs in Canterbury

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Canterbury

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I am a keen reader, and read quite a variety - some literary fiction and detective fiction. I would love to join the book group as I enjoy discussing books I have read with other people. Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks!

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I'm currently reading Lee Child Killing Floor and definitely plan on reading more of his work. I've also read the Throne of Glass series and am up to Empire if Storms. I do also enjoy non-fiction books especially science related. I'm not a huge bookworm but I do enjoy it in my free time.

Stompy5x5 recommends:

Circe by Madeline Miller
by Madeline Miller | Buy this book
The writing was very enchanting and I just couldn't put it down. It's a story I've never come across in anything else before and it gives a great insight on the Greek Gods.
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I am 30 and love to read, I moved to Canterbury a couple of years ago and would love to find some friends in the area. I mainly read Fantasy, Romantasy, Sci-fi, Dystopia, Monster Romance or Dark Romance but would be open to trying new genres! Outside of reading I love my Cats & Taylor Swift.

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I love books and meeting new people

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Sylvia. Contact

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I love reading!

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I am an Aussie ex-pat recently relocated to Canterbury. I love a good read and am looking to meet with people who also enjoy reading to discuss books and get ideas for others to read. I read a lot of different genres (excluding romance) :-)

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Just a 28year old book worm, looking to find like minded people to discuss books with!

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ex pat recently moved to canterbury from new york, looking for a local book club to join.

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Studied literature and missing the opportunity to discuss what I've read in a friendly group setting! I also moved to Canterbury recently and am looking to make friends locally. I read mostly fiction, but don't mind dipping into non-fiction :)

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Interested in any book genre. Looking for lively discussion and to meet other book lovers

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Fantasy, romance, mystery Willing to try new things! Wanna meet like minded people who live books

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a bookworm

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David G

University lecturer. Broad reading habits. As long as it captures me in the first 50 pages !

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A monthly meet up with other adults to make friends and discuss good reads.

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