Book clubs in Welling
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Welling

Im 29 and have been devouring romance and fantasy books for the past 5 years. I would love to find other readers to discuss the books with.
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I enjoy reading, mainly self help books and I am writing some books of my own in my spare time. I am looking to join a group to meet like minded people who enjoy reading and sharing recommendations etc.
Tania79 recommends:

I’m Ellie, I’m 23 years old and live in Bexley. I love reading - fantasy and romance are my go to genres. I’m hoping to connect with other book lovers, make some new friends and get some recommendations!
Ellie recommends:

I’m an avid reader from enjoying books by authors such as Robert Galbraith, Ann Cleeves, and Richard Osman to name just a few
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I like to make new friends who share the same interests as me. I read romance and fictions
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