Book clubs in Maidstone

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Maidstone

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Added 2 days ago


Hi I am Jamie, 25 y.o Male. Based in the Maidstone area and would love to find some new people to make friends with. Read mostly non-fiction (Biographies, current affairs etc) but would like to get into fiction books also.

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Added 2 days ago


Historical fiction (Philippa Gregory), fantasy/romance (Amelia Hutchins), crime/thriller (Harlan Coben), horror (Dean Koontz)

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Added 17 days ago


Am 36 and love a good crime or horror book. I hate romance books. Would love to be in a bookclub and make some new friends.

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Added 23 days ago


Hi, This attempt transpired by a Historical Non-Fiction, however I'd be also interested in the Classics of Literature like the Crime & Punishment, Stranger or Metamorphosis etc.. How often I can attend a Book Reading session would depend on what is offered and I'd assume it would be at least one day in the week. I'm retired and I have no ties to strain me in any way. I hoped that in a reading group I can cultivate my reading(or as a listener) also discuss with others about what's been read as well. I feel there's so much to read yet I haven't read enough!

Arthur recommends:

Hunger by Knut Hamsun
by Knut Hamsun | Buy this book
I think someone broke and starving could not be narrated any better than that. First publication has been done in 1956 and I sincerely believe that greatest authors lived at the last quarter of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th.
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Added 27 days ago


Hello, I’m Holly, 22. I’m looking for book friends that would like to meet up for drinks and start new friendships, I read Fiction but mostly romance books and romantasy!

Hols19 recommends:

The MindF*ck Series by S.T. Abby
The MindF*ck Series
by S.T. Abby | Buy this book
I loved this book. From the moment I picked it up I was hooked! The story line is sad but very interesting and I loved the many Female character in this book and I would do anything to read this again for the first time!
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27, recently moved to the area and looking to make some bookish friends! My favourite genres are historical fiction, fantasy, and a bit of murder mystery.

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Alison Smith

I generally read crime books but am expanding to classics and other genres. Would love to meet like minded people to talk about books over tea or cocktails!

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I got into reading a couple of years ago and decided I wanted to try out a book club. I like quite a few different genres including Crime, Thriller, Fantasy, Mythology.

KArnold06 recommends:

Ragdoll by Daniel Cole
by Daniel Cole | Buy this book
It’s a great crime/thriller book. The plot twist and turns which helps for an engaging read. The writing is descriptive and allows you to engage with the characters.
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Lotty, 36

Saw an advert for a book club on social media, and thought to myself why haven’t I looked to see if there’s any book clubs in Maidstone before now! Have recently discovered Martina Cole, enjoy Victoria Hislop, enjoy a sarcastic sense of humour. Open to most genres but not a fan of fantasy / sci-fi

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Hi I’m Joanne, 32 yrs and have surprised myself by falling in love with reading. Mostly romance, thrillers or the odd spicy one are my pick 😆 looking to meet new people regularly with similar taste in books to share thoughts over a cocktail or coffee. Furry companions welcome

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22. Have recently moved to Maidstone!

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38 looking to socialise a bit and would love to join a book club in Maidstone to discuss and share the love of reading

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29 and would like to get back into reading. Looking to make some new friends in the Maidstone area who enjoy books, meeting up and swapping recommendations

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I am looking to casually discuss some books as looking to get back into reading again as well as making some new friends and meeting new people! I am a 26 year old female recently moved to Maidstone area :)

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Looking to join a local book club - love reading and talking about books and ideas.

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Bookworm 64

Travel history short stories , enjoy meeting people with similar interests

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I enjoy reading and discussing different genres ok books, meeting people and making new friends.

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Maidstone Book Club

2 of us so far! Meet up over coffee or cocktail, swap book recommendations, decide next months book, and review this months book. Crime, thriller, Fantasy, romance, even autobiographies, all are welcome!

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I really enjoy reading, completely escape into the pages for a few hours/days! Looking for new book recommendations, to meet new people, and discuss our current book over coffee?

Kay recommends:

Throne of Glass
by S J Maas | Buy this book
Keeps you enthralled, keeps characters interesting, without too many too keep up with. Brilliant story writing
The Night Circus
by Erin Morhenstern | Buy this book
Engulfs you in magic, brilliant visions of glorius scenes run through your mind as you follow this story.
The 5 people you meet in heaven  by Mitch Albom
The 5 people you meet in heaven
by Mitch Albom | Buy this book
Helps you understand, gives you a different view on life, gives your lofe meaning.
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Alex A

I want to discover new book recommendations

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