Book clubs in Billingshurst
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Billingshurst

Hi, I’m looking for a book club that runs properly. I started one in billi a month ago and I’ve been trying to get suggestions that’s “don’t mind” to everything and people who said they were interested didn’t show. So I gave up on that. I’m 34, studying health and social care, I’d love to meet new people! Make new friends and a reason to actually finish a book. I like reading thrillers mainly and some non fiction that’s health related, but some pretty random ones in between
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Our Book Club
We get together at Billingshurst in West Sussex on Wednesday afternoons, which is a service provided by Sue Gatland of the West Sussex County Council Library. This gathering is for women only.
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Billingshurst library reading group
We convene at the Billingshurst library, located at Mill Lane, West Sussex, RH14 9JZ and facilitated by Ann Wolfe, the library services director.
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Reading group in Billingshurst
Looking for a friendly and active book club? Join us in exploring an exciting range of literature from the classics to contemporary novels! From passionate debates to indulging in sweet treats, our...
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Rep. H
A young first-time book club joiner who prefers historical novels to American fiction and would prefer to meet in afternoons or over the weekend.
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Young, female avid reader looking to meet new book-loving friends to join a fun and engaging club which meets fortnightly to discuss contemporary fiction, biographies and historical memoirs.
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