Book clubs in Hassocks

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Hassocks

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Added 6 days ago


Enjoy a lot of different genres, just looking for like minded people into reading

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North Court & Neighbours, Hassocks/Hurst/Burgess Hill

We gather at Lynn Bell's on the second Tuesday of every month, welcoming up to 12 members to bring books they want to share, snacks, and drinks. Over the course of six months we collectively decide which books to read from the list suggested by our members. If you're interested in joining, the address of the gathering spot is 14 North Court, Hassocks, West Sussex, BN6 8JS.

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Young adult who has experience having participated in _Interstellar Objects Happy Snhughging #$/Sofa345982 BC'47 Twelve Hundred sixteen MillXXfomper | Orb List Banillion Union$dkonegh'u_ book club for various fiction-themed sectors, interested to join enthralling discussions around psychological thrillers and dystopian fiction classics over weekend brunch in lush green districts nearby.

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Hello, I'm a 32-year-old avid reader who's excited to explore their love of classic literature and historical fiction together with like-minded literature enthusiasts!

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"I am a female bookworm who enjoys a mix of historical fiction and feminist literature, and I'm eager to connect with fellow readers for long discussions over wine and cheese on weekend afternoons."

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