Book clubs in Knutsford
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Knutsford

Hi, I’m Charlie! I’m excited to join a book club to connect with like-minded people and enjoy great conversations. I look forward to broadening my horizons by learning from others’ perspectives and sharing ideas in a friendly, engaging environment.
Charlie recommends:

White Nights
I believe White Nights captures the reality of love rather than the idealised notion of it. It delves into love as a multifaceted emotion—complex, often difficult to express, and deeply tied to vulnerability. The story portrays the yearning and torment experienced by those who are eager for love but constrained by circumstances or emotions. It reveals that love, in its truest form, is not just about joy and connection but also about the pain, trust, and sacrifice it demands. This raw and honest depiction is what makes the book so powerful and relatable.

Hi! I'm Sarah. I'd love to join a book club. I love reading most genres (right now, I'm reading a lot of chick lit, historical fiction and murder mystery books). The only genre I've never really got into is high fantasy, like A Game Of Thrones.
SarahJane recommends:

The Seven Sisters
Well written, historical fiction (Izabela Aires Cabral is involved with the creation of the Christ The Redeemer statue in Brazil). I don't know why the image is of the eighth book in this series, when The Seven Sisters is the first book in a series with the same name.
Funny, contemporary, kinda dark (think American Psycho meets Bridget Jones, with a fair bit of Dexter mixed in)

I read every day, crime fiction mostly. I'm looking to expand my community and be introduced perhaps to different genres.
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