Book clubs in Bradford
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Bradford

I'm a fun yet introverted person. Most of my friends live in different cities so I am looking to form a new circle of friends and start to develop my love for reading once again.
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Avid reader, looking for some pals to chat and share common interests 😊
Hannah recommends:

I’m a 23 year old mum to a 14 month old boy who works part time in childcare. I love to read during my spare time but often find it hard to find that time. I read on all formats, physical, audiobook and kindle. My favourite genres are romantasy, thrillers and romance. I would love to find some local book friends that I can talk to about the books I read (especially the jaw dropping twists!!) and maybe join a book club :)
Amber recommends:

I love reading. Be it poetry, novels, memoirs. I would like to join a book club and talk to like minded people about whichever book is the focus.
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Hi there, I read a lot and would like to find others with a similar interest!
Lxur recommends:

Mohammed Amin
I always enjoyed reading when I was growing up, one of the first books I read was in my teens which was the autobiography of Malcolm X which had a profound influence on my thinking and opened up my young and impressionable mind to the injustice and cruelty of racism and oppression of black people in America. I remember having a dictionary on hand as I didn't understand some of the meanings of the words and also ensuring I could use some of these concepts and words to ask adults critical questions aswell as impress my friends with my expanded vocabulary. I have a wide selection of books at home which I've purchased throughout the years by looking at reviews aswell as previewing the book to check it piqued my interest. Since the advent of the Internet, social media, satellite TV and smartphones I don't read anymore and when I do read I do it without purpose or concentration, I want to discover my love of reading and meet like minded people who I can share my passion with and develop my understanding and appreciation of knowledge, language and the human condition.
Mohammed Amin recommends:

I love books! Always have... Since the pandemic I've been struggling to get out and find things I love to do.. I think a book club would help!
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Hi im 53,I've loved reading since I was ten and read the hobbit. Since then I've never not been reading. Over 40 years later I read sll sorts , fantasy is my first love but I'll also read classics, graphic novels, crime, history etc etc.. I love to talk about books too
Douglas recommends:

Language and story keeps one alive. They outlast us. Yet stories do not die. They become other stories. Don't they?
Alan recommends:

Not many of my friends enjoy reading so I would love to meet/chat with like minded readers and discover new books :)
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Book Girls
A safe space for like minded individuals to explore new genres which they would never usually try
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I love fantasy, romance and generational stories. Interested in finding like minded people to share my passion with!
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Dani Hamer
Hi I would love to find people who I can discuss books with intelligently, and to really delve into the themes with in fun and interesting conversations ! :) I like books of all types and would read anything you're interested in
Dani Hamer recommends:

I’ve loved reading since I was a kid, nobody I know likes books like I do so I’m looking to meet people who are likeminded
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