Book clubs in Todmorden
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Todmorden

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Bobbins Bookworms
Meets at The Goats Head on Run by Louise Higginson Library service Bradford MDC - Libraries We are part of the Steeton WI and have several breakaway groups that have recently been set up, Bobbins bookworms is one of them, we currently have about 12-15 members who meet regularly on a monthly basis We meet at: Keighley Road, Steeon, Keighley, Steeton, West Yorkshire, BD20 6NR Accepting new members Tags audio, ebook, online, talking books, visually impaired, women only
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The Jane Dale Readers Group
The Walsden Library on Inchfield Road in Todmorden, West Yorkshire, OL14 8QP, is welcoming new members and offering a library service that includes general fiction.
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Walsden Library Readers Group
Meets at Walsden Library on Run by Walsden Library Library service We read general fiction. We meet at: Inchfield Road, Walsden, Todmorden, West yorkshire, OL14 8QP Accepting new members
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