Book clubs in Keighley

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Keighley

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Dan R

I have been wanting to join a book club for a while as I read a lot and unfortunately don't get the opportunity to discuss books with others. My preferred genres are science-fiction, and speculative fiction such as dystopia and alternate-history.

Dan R recommends:

Mockingbird  by Walter Tevis
by Walter Tevis | Buy this book
A bleak glimpse into a dystopian future inherited by machines, where humans live without passion and without books. But that changes when one young man meets a girl and rediscover the joys and importance of reading in a world where humans have seemingly lost all passion and hope.
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Bedrock Books Reading Group

Meets at on Run by Kathy Jackson Library service Bradford MDC - Libraries WHAT IS BEDROCK BOOKS? A Bedrock Books reading group is a reading group where you can explore positive topics such as self- worth, inner peace, choice, resourcefulness, gratitude, reconciliation, and acceptance. This is a space where you can think freely and openly, without judgement. The books we read become springboards for deep discussion about important topics that matter to the readers. WHO WE ARE? Bedrock Books is a not-for-profit organisation entirely run by volunteers. The reading groups and the chosen books are non-political, non- religious and non-sectarian. ABOUT THE BOOKS The books we will read provide material for positive reflection and discussion. They can be fiction or non-fiction. The first book is always chosen by the organiser/facilitator but further books can be chosen by members of the group. JUST SO YOU KNOW The books for the first series are provided free of charge by Bedrock Books. Attendees can keep these books to take home with them when the series is finished. We meet at: Keighley Library, 1 Albert St , Keighley , West Yorkshire, BD21 2AT Accepting new members Tags bibliotherapy (Mood-boosting Books)

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Bronte Book Group

We gather at the Clay Cafe in Haworth, where Dionne Hood runs the library service focusing on classic fiction. New members are welcome! The address is: Haworth, Keighley, West Yorkshire, BD22 8DR.

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I'm a twenty-something literature lover seeking an inclusive group planning to make the most of wine, cheese, good company and long chats about literary fiction.

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Poetry enthusiast in her mid-twenties wanting to increase her reading habits and try out a book club for the first time that meets on alternating weekends, seeking club members entailing a love for outdoors, mystery and light\dark dualism in fiction.

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Reading group in Keighley

Our book club meets once a month in Keighley, West Yorkshire, with 10 dedicated members of mixed ages who share a passion for chilled-out authenticity and drinking cups of tea in the incandescent c...

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