Book clubs in Ilkley
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Ilkley

I enjoy reading mostly fantasy and getting creeped out by a good horror. Looking for a local/online book club to share recommendations.
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on a gap-year with plans to study english lit at uni next year :) love to read fiction and make new friends the same age
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Looking to discuss books with people who like lighthearted/ contemporary fiction but open to reading new things too!
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I’m a 34 year old female looking to join a group to meet like minded people who enjoy reading, drinking cups of tea and a good natter.
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Hi I would love to join a book club to make new friends during my gap year who are a similar age. I'm 19 :)
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I like thrillers particularly but most genres Had a short story published Attended Prince Henry’s for a year in how to write a book and creative writing
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Julia Collington
I am looking for debate and discussion on mostly classic book or up to date literature that has been perhaps discussed in A Level literature or degree level.
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