Book clubs in Hebden Bridge
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Hebden Bridge

I’m an illustrator and designer working in publishing. I’ve recently moved to Hebden and don’t know anybody. I read a lot and would love to join a local book club to explore new genres and meet new people.
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I love reading. I like many genres. I'd really like to meet new people too.
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I read all the time every day and cannot bear not to have a book on the go. Studied English literature for many years.
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I have just moved to the area and know no one. I like to read and hope a book club might help me make some connections
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I’ve recently moved to Hebden Bridge and while I love reading I find it difficult to find the time with a busy job & a small child. I’d like to join a book club to give myself some external motivation to read and to meet new people in my new local area
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Hello, I am a 48 year old lady living in Hebden Bridge. I used to read a couple of books a week until this last year when some traumatic experiences resulted in me not been able to pick up a book. I think I need a book club to force me back into enjoying reading and the social side would also be great for me too. Thanks LK
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