Book clubs in Wetherby
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Wetherby

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Baliff Bridge Crime Readers
Gatherings are taking place at Baliff Bridge Library, administered by Vicky Biltcliffe. This library service is dedicated to reading and discussing crime books, so new members are welcome. The address is Devon Way, Bailiff Bridge, Bailiff Bridge, West Yorkshire, HD6 4DT.
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Formerly Starbucks reading group
The Bradford Libraries Reading Group Scheme, hosted by Dionne Hood, formerly known as Starbucks Reading Group, meets at the Midland Hotel in Forster Square, Town Centre, Bradford bd hu, West Yorkshire, BD1 4HU and is now accepting new members.
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Horsforth Book Club
We invite anyone who is interested to join us each month at The Little Monk on the last Tuesday in April. Hayley Richardson, who is in charge of the library program of Leeds City Council, will be leading the discussion on the pre-selected book. New members are welcomed.
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