Book clubs in Southminster
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Southminster
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Elsenham Book Group
The reading group, which predominantly reads fiction, convenes every month and takes turns selecting the literature involved. The group, led by its organizer Sarah Alder, is held in a member's Elsenham, Essex residence. Additionally, the host may avail a collection of books through the fair service extended towards our locality by a public library.
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42-year-old single mother of two, new to book clubs but eager to delve into fiction, looking to add some relaxation and adult conversation to her busy schedule.
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29-year-old woman seeking a friendly book club to discuss modern fiction and scare ourselves silly with the occasional horror novel.
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Reading group in Southminster
We're a fun and friendly group of bookworms who come together to discuss our latest psychological thriller finds from varying international authors. Meeting biweekly swap refreshments, author gossi...
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