Book clubs in Cobham

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Cobham

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Looking to read books in the local community

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25. Always loved reading and I thought that it would be nice to join a book club to make it a bit more exciting:) favourite genre crime, drama, sometimes some romance.

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I’ve just gotten back into reading and absolutely in love with romance and the classics. Looking to meet likeminded people to discover and discuss new reads with :)

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21 y/o with a love of books, favourite genres being historical fiction, fantasy, dystopian and general fiction - but open to trying more genres. hoping to meet people in the area who are a similar age or a bit older!

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Stephanie F

Hi, I live in Cobham and looking to join a local book group. Monthly meets would be great to discuss books and exchange reading ideas.

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I'm 29 and I've always loved reading and have been interested in joining a book club for a while. I moved to the area recently and would love to be able to connect with others, make some friends and read good books together!

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EllenRose recommends:

What It Takes: The Inspiring Journey of Sarina Wiegman and the Lionesses’ Rise to Success by Sarina Wiegman
What It Takes: The Inspiring Journey of Sarina Wiegman and the Lionesses’ Rise to Success
by Sarina Wiegman | Buy this book
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