Book clubs in South Croydon

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in South Croydon

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Added 17 days ago


Mid-40s female that loves novels I can get lost in...think Pillars of the Earth etc. Would love to join a book club to discuss books I may not necessarily pick myself and to meet new people

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I love reading different types of fiction and want to expand my reading material and discuss books!

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Hi there, I want to make time for reading and I thought joining a book club sounds like it would give me the perfect excuse. I love reading autobiographies, crime, fictional and non fiction... anything that is interesting to me really. Anyway, I have no experience in this but am keen to join.

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Love a little bit of everything, but especially fond of fantasy and thrillers. Looking to meet once a week or a couple of times a month and chat books over wine and snacks.

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Pres. M

I'm a thirty-year-old woman who's never been in a book club, but I want to gather with like-minded individuals who enjoy mysteries and dramas for discussion on weekday evenings.

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Gerard S

Avid fiction reader and lover of self-help books, this woman wants to be a part of a mixed group of all ages who meet weekly in the evenings for book discussions over wine and cheese.

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Reading group in South Croydon

We're a close-knit group of book enthusiasts who just love to read and discuss our new favourite novels over great homemade refreshments. Although relatively small, numbering about 7 regular member...

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