Book clubs in Cranleigh
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Cranleigh
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Cranleigh Library Chatterbooks
Meets at Cranleigh Library Run by Surrey Libraries Library service Cranleigh Library Chatterbooks Group is for children aged 9 - 11. We usually meet once a month on Saturdays, from 3.00pm - 4.00pm. We read and talk about a wide range of books, enjoy activities such as crafts, quizzes and games, and have a lot of fun. For more information, call 03456 009 009 and press option 6, ask at the library or email We meet at: High Street, Cranleigh, Surrey, GU6 8AE Accepting new members Tags Chatterbooks
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Cranleigh Library Chatterbooks
The Cranleigh Library Chatterbooks Group runs rapidly every month on Saturdays, from 3:00 - 4:00pm, and welcomes new members aged 9-11. We cover a wide selection of books, partake in fun activities such as crafts, quizzes and games, and have an enjoyable time together. For more information, contact 3456 009 009 (option 6) or, and visit High Street, Cranleigh, Surrey, GU6 8AE.
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Cranleigh Book Club
We are a group of men and women from different walks of life who share a love for books. Our group is intimate, consisting of fifteen avid readers, who meet monthly to discuss one book chosen by on...
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Rev. R
A 30-year-old female who is new to book clubs, trying to join one close by that meets fortnightly and enjoys reading fictional thriller or murder mysteries.
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Wilfred S
38-year-old avid reader and book lover who enjoys psychological thrillers, classics, and biographies, looking to find a local book club for regular monthly meetings with like-minded individuals.
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