Book clubs in Epsom
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Epsom

I love reading, especially crime fiction, and I would like to join a club of like-minded people for a good chat!
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FSL (Friends of Stoneleigh Library) Book Club
Everyone is welcome to our book club held once a month on a Thursday afternoon within Stoneleigh Library
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Book reader 11
Dear Janet I hope this email finds you well. I am fairly new to Epsom and would like to start reading regularly again and join a book club. I googled and came up with the postings below. May I ask if the book club referred to below is still operational and if yes, are you still taking members? Regards Ngozi
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I have just started reading again in my mid 30’s and would love a group to discuss books with.
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Recently moved to Epsom and looking for a fiction book club/group to join - ideally that meets late on Sunday morning or early Sunday afternoon, but can do Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at the moment. I enjoy reading across a wide range of genre and being part of a book club allows me to discover books I would never have otherwise read.
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