Book clubs in Morden
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Morden

I need some motivation to put some time aside and start reading books again. I'd also like the social side of discussing books.
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Morden Book Club
Friendly community of book lovers in Morden and surrounding areas who get together to discuss the latest read. 1 Book per month. Gets you reading books you wouldn't usually pick, diversifying your book list. Better still, creates lasting friendships you might never have found otherwise! Want to join? Search Morden Book Club on Facebook or Instagram and get information for the next meet up. All newcomers welcome.
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Third time lucky as apparently Google thinks I'm a bot...Hello, I'm interested in finding a local book club to meet new people and engage in stimulating conversation! Meeting monthly or so would suit me. I've always loved reading, from the latest literary fiction to crime and spy novels!
Georgie23 recommends:

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Stoneleigh Library Friday Afternoon
Come join us at Stoneleigh Library, where Surrey Libraries is currently taking on new members. To find out more about reading groups supported by Surrey Libraries, you can visit the website, email, or find us on Twitter @SurreyLibraries and Facebook
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Huong S
A coffee-loving woman in her early 30s looking to join a book club on Wednesday or Thursday nights where she can discuss mysteries and thrillers.
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"I'm a voracious reader and would love to meet like-minded individuals for a weekly book club to discuss contemporary women's fiction and sip red wine."
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Morden Book Club
We are a friendly book club with diverse members varying in backgrounds, age and literary preferences. Aimed at lovers of fiction, gathering monthly over choice of wine and nibbles. Our meetings o...
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