Book clubs in Surbiton

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Surbiton

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Added 6 days ago

FSL - Friends of Stoneleigh Library

Friendly, lively and very welcoming! We meet once every 6 weeks on a Thursday afternoon between 2.30pm and 3.30pm. I request two books from the library catalogue which are reserved for us and the cost is £1 per person per meeting. We read fiction and non-fiction, with recommendations always invited.

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Added 12 days ago


I enjoy reading mainly literary fiction. I’ve also enjoyed some historical fiction, foreign language fiction in translation, some classics and also poetry from time to time. I’ve never been in a book group but always wanted to try joining one to be challenged to try books I might not otherwise read, and exchange perspectives on texts.

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I am a recent empty nester looking for a local, social book club.

Kay recommends:

The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
The Song of Achilles
by Madeline Miller | Buy this book
An imaginative retelling of the story of Troy.
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I hate talking about myself! I am elderly but fit. I am qite well read given that I have a large family so until I became elderly there was not much time tio read. History is of great interest to me. My favourite fiction authors are John Le Carré and Gerald Seymour (I was at school with Fred Forsyth so obviously like his books very much!)

Brian recommends:

A Perfect Spy
by John Le Carré | Buy this book
There is an element of autobiography in it as well as it being a great story
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I'll read pretty much anything but my preferred genres are literary fiction, historical fiction, thrillers and detective series. Would love to join a monthly meet to share recommendations and discuss our views on a shared read. Have considered setting one up myself but might be too much in my own, so would be open to a shared-set up arrangement too

Sam recommends:

The Marriage Portrait
by Maggie O Farrell | Buy this book
Great story and characters, beautifully written
The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams
The Dictionary of Lost Words
by Pip Williams | Buy this book
Wouldn't have thought that I'd find a story about the creation of the Oxford dictionary so fascinating but couldn't put it down
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I’m based in Surbiton and looking for a new book club.

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I am writing for my daughter Eva. She is about to turn 8 and lives in Surbiton but goes to school in Claygate. She would love to join a book club to talk to other children about the latest books she and they are reading. Phelim.

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I am a keen reader and am looking for a book club to join. I have just moved to Surbiton from Derbyshire and am hoping to meet new, book-loving people who enjoy a good chat with a cuppa and piece(s) of cake.

Laura recommends:

Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus
Lessons in Chemistry
by Bonnie Garmus | Buy this book
It just ticks all the boxes for what makes a brilliant book
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I am an 84 year old git who is pretty active. I play old gits cricket as well as attending special dance classes for the elderly including ballet. We are called Silver Swans! I would like to take part in an activity that is less physically demanding. I have always read quite a lot

Brian recommends:

A Perfect Spy
by John Le Carré | Buy this book
There is an element of autobiography in it as well as it being a great story
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